Fill in all fields above and click the 'Submit Registration' button.
Once you have submitted your registration you will be given the link to a page from which you can download the myPhenoDB software, and we will email you the link as well. In addition we will email you when new versions of myPhenoDB are released.
Software Requirements :
The distribution is composed of a compressed 'tar' file (1GB) which contains both the myPhenoDB software and all the software tools to run it.
The root directory of the software includes a README.TXT which contains instructions on how to install the software with the included installer, and how to install the software manually should you want a custom installation. You will need to read this file before doing an installation.
If you are upgrading your myPhenoDB installation, you will need to check the VERSIONS.TXT file which contains information on each version of myPhenoDB as well as special instructions on how to upgrade from version to version.
You will need to download the ANNOVAR package from to automatically create ANNOVAR files from VCF files. Note that a separate registration is required to obtain this software. Instructions for installing the ANNOVAR package are provided in the top level README.TXT file.